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Barselona... first ivterviev wich social wolker...


Now day I have big problems with Lithuania, including legal ones - persecution, taking of my property, raider takeovers and other criminal activities on the part of Lithuanian officials and officials.

from what I have investigated, and have irrefutable documentary evidence...

it all started small:

And further this has turned into serious conflicts and problems with public and official persons of Lithuania, incompatible with further living in this state:

Due to the fact that Lithuania is a state of the European Union, Strasbourg refused to investigate my case, although a description of the crimes of officials and officials against me with documented events was provided.

As a consequence of the crimes against me and my family, and the refusal to assist in the investigation of very specific crimes, I have to seek refuge in other regions of the European Union.

My entire social package, savings including, remained in Lithuania for more than 35 years of experience at NC&CO International / USA, Criminal Intelligence Department.

As a result of a combat injury, I have limited physical capabilities and for this reason I have been demobilized since 2004.

I asked for no more help than is provided to migrants from Africa, Russia, Ukraine, other postzoviet spaste and other countries with unstable economies.

I don’t need any greenhouse conditions, but the conditions shouldn’t be worse than those of other settlers - why do  my conditions worse?   skin color, hair color, language, demeanor, etc.?

I need a legal place sleep/life , a minimum income to ensure my business activity, and legal prospects for the future !

I want to understand what am doing and what is being offered to me, so want to conduct all business activities to by writing letters with a time lag so that I can understand the situation, get the necessary information, and think !

Today am homeless, nameless, moneyless one word very poorman. lessI need a personale oficial  documents, roof at head, job/work... I know how and have experience in designing and making interiors for  yachts, camper... am can to make hair dressens...
I wanted to be in demand in your society, maybe you need long-haul drivers? If you help me with a driver's license for heavy trucks, for me such a job is quite an acceptable option. Am don't have a family, am have nowhere to live and I love to travel.

In my free time from official general work am plan to develop my Internet resources and make them my additional income.
Look... this is my resurses :
Facebook -
Google Maps -
Google -
I know how to shoot videos, edit them, promote it... -
All my resources have the priority focus on Lithuania - and today am have  are more than 2,000,000 readers !
Am can - repairing yacht, bots, campers, and can make proekts interiers for it and realisation such proekts.

What am want ?!

I want to publish on my resources offers for tourism, and the purchase of yachts/boats, their repair of yachts/ boats by Lithuanian buyers/clients.
To do this, I want to talk to the managers of the company who offer such services in the Barselona and its surroundings....
I will submit my proposals to them in writing, but I need someone to get to meet them on my behalf, tell them what I want to do, finded out how interested they are in it and make such a catalog for me - type of services, address, responsible person, graphics of work, email, website...
In addition to this, me need a person have to answer their phone calls and attend my business meetings.
In short, I think, assemble proects, draw up logical diagrams, publish materials - the assistant communicates between me and clients/firms of  government of the city of Barselona offering their services:
transport, hosting /tourist hosting/, sales, exchange, repair of yachts and boats.

...maybe you can help me wich realization my abilities, dreams, plans and a informations who and where I should contact ?


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