To the essence was clear the essence of my claims to the leadership of the Lithuanian regional administration Rietavas, am will first publish this document - Addendum: AdditionalDokuments, CertificateAbsenceRussianCivilAffiliation -
This is the certificate from the consulate of the Russian Federation in Klaipeda, European Union, Republic of Lithuania.
Is written here:
Certificate of absence of civilian affiliation of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 2018.
Hereby certifies that Korenevskiy Konstantin Eduardovich born Korenevskiy on April 15, 1965 in the RSFSR city of Krasnoyarsk never acquire or purchased the citizenship of the Russian Federation and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on civilian affiliation, is not the subject of the Russian Federation.
This means that am did not and am do not have not only civilian affiliation at the Russian Federation, but also the Soviet civill affilication never not have; and did not address such requests to the representative office of Soviet and the Russian Federation.
And these documents were made on the basis of interdepartmental agreements between the Migration Department of Police Commissariat of the self-government Rietavas with representatives of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate without my personal desire, consent and participation - Addendum: AdditionalDocuments - PassRu - Issued this documents by torture, threats and lack of any alternative, and were used as moral, psychological, physical, material, financial pressure for the purpose of appropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and property by The Administration of Municipality of Rietavas.
But now we will deal with all this in detail.
Am want to emphasize again as the prologue, the following:
actions of The Rietavas Self Government Administration in providing material, financial, legal, moral pressure were of the meaning nature in order to create conditions as unacceptable as possible for survival me, my family in administracine region Rietavo municipality.
Consider the sequence of events from 2018 with references to the conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior of the administration of the Rietavo Municipality and of responsible services, officials of the Rietavas municipality administration that preceded that.
To understand the content of the claim, am initially want to describe the general situation at that point in time. As well jointly, but already in court, am want clarify the details and analyze the reasons for this velopments, because am sincerely believe that court hearing is event-based experience of the causes and their consequences.
The month of July 2017. At thet date am lived together with Grazina Korenevskiene and her young daughter Eduarda in the village of Labardzai, Rietavas municipality, also am have worked in a closed joint stock company Termomontaz (Addendum 1-1 Labor Contract Termomontaz ) paid taxes and took care of self and not big family as best his could.
Am haved jobed low-paid of hard work, there had no opportunity to have something better. In any weather, am had to walk seven kilometers from village Labardziai on foot to the small town of Rietavas, from where my friend who worked with me pickeds up on the way to work. in the evening in the same way, so as not to cause my friend additional inconvenience and waste, am returned home.
Am don't know that period of the schedule by which Grazina lived and looked after the child, but there were times when she did not return home after her nightly adventures, and i'm nided ed to go to work. And then am it was to get to work with the young child on hands. then am collected the essentials in baby stroller and also in any weather conditions go to seven kilometers to Rietavas on my own. In this case, during the day Eduada ( Addendum 1-1BirhSertificateEduarda - ) was looked after by girls from the bogaliery, and in the evening, out of pity, sacrificing his time and additional expenses, my friend were tiking us to our on house.
Direct actions to expusion me from my and my family's property in the village of Labarzai, Rietavo self goverment started as deportation me from the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to the Russian Federation began on 13 July 2007. Decision 2007 m. liepos 13 Nr. 44-SP3-M24-1 on behalf of the Senior Specialist of Rietavo Policijos Komisariata, Genovaite Rimutiene Migration Group ( Addendum 1-3ObligationLeaveLithuania - ).
A week before that Grazina by agreements, the details of which she does not speak, when I was at work, she to leave my house and left in an unknown direction together with her young daughter Eduarda. Upon returning from work and not finding them at home, am tried to find out what happened and where they are, but Grazina did not answer my calls. And to me at my workplace, the police officers of the Rietavo Commissariat issued decision that am should leave the Republic of Lithuania and go to the Russian Federation on the basis of documents that they, without my consent and knowledge, maked at the Russian Consulate through the mediation of employees of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate.
Am want would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the decision of 2007 july month 13 Nr. 44-SP3-M24-1 Genovaite Rimutiene not just his duties as a senior specialist of the Rietavo Policijos Migration Group of the Commissariat, but initiates legal prosecution on behalf of Rietavas Municipality Administration, according to fake documents in the Russian Consulate. Am also want to emphasize that this is possible only with the cooperation of the Social Service, the Child Protection Service and the Migration Group of the Rietavas Municipality. This is important, because farthen am will prove that the aim of the persecution by the Administration of Rietavas Municipality was the raid seizure property of my and my family in the Labardziai village, Rietavas Municipality ( Addendum AdditionalDocuments-PassRu, illustration 2 - ).
The way back to the Republic of Lithuania was closed to me. And only after a few months am managed, by the instrumentality of my relatives and former colleagues, to return home from the side Poland, through Germany.
In connection with the cooperation of the Lithuanian law enforcement agencies, The Administration of The Rietavas Municipality with the Russian Services of The Main Intelligence Directorate, am will provide the documentary substantiation of this incident at a separate open court hearing in this case.
On the way to lithuania, am to called the Grazhina several times and learned from her that both she and Eduatda are in the village of Lazu, Kedainiu district. The first thing am did was to visit them.
Grazina was pregnant. Returning home to the village of Labardziai, Rietavas self-government was is dangerous. So we decided some time to lived by her mother in the village of Lazu, Kedainius district, study the general situation, improve the financial situation and only then return to the village of Labardziai, Rietavas municipality.
Everything folded it good lucked for me and managed to attract attention to my projects not only of local entrepreneurs, but also partners from Britain, Scandinavia, Local Europe. Am also succeeded described the situation and file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
In 2008 was borning Ernestas ( Addendum 1-4BirthCertificateErnestas - ) and because of the poor living conditions at her mother Grazina, it was necessary to return to the village of Labardzai, Rietavas municipality. Me for security reasons and others, had to stay in Kedainius distrigt.
Am from time to time was visited to Grazina and children, gaved her money for living and improving living conditions for her and the children in my house, but after a while Grazina notified me by phone that she had found another man and was planning to live with him. for my part, I tried to find out from Grazina the reasons for such a decision, but only got attack organized by Rietavas by the Rietavas Municipality of the Police Officers 'Commissariat on my and my partners' production located on the territory of Kidainius district. Very lot of evil, losses, expenses to all participants of the enterprise, no incomes, or utility for the Republic of Lithuania in this event then no.
As for Grazina with her partner Gedrius Pundin and Eduarda and Ernestas, the situation was critical to the threat not only to health, but also to the lives of children. This opinion were sharing by all the villagers of Labrdziai and my letter in to Plunge District Court of 2008.07.29 confirms of this ( Addendum 1-5ResidentsPetition - ).
Zibute Mieliene, an employee of the Rietavas Child Welfare Service, in her official conclusions into the courte writes a lot about my social siniste and the assignment of a status to me in the person of her service as asocial element. But, am want to draw your attention to the fact that according to the events outlined, we should not talk about my asociality, but about the asociality of conditions, actions, the conscious moral, material, physical pressure of the Child Protection and Social Services for the purpose way extortion in fraudulent way of movable and immovable property, as well means of earning income. 2008 June 06, Plunge ( Addendum 1-6Judgment2008birzalio06 - ) District Court by decision first deprives me of earning opportunities, sources of income, means of subsistence, and then, as an alternative method of detention, by decision, transfers me to the Registration Center for Foreigners. Children Eduarda and Ernestas stay with Grazina and her lovepartner.
Without a cent in my pocket, by a judgment of June 27, from the Registration Center for Foreigners I was deported to the Russian Federation in the direction of Kaliningrad... Konigsberg ( Addendum 1-7Deportacion2008birzalio278 - )
Am believe that these actions can be qualified as complicity in criminal extortion, appropriation, seizure of my movable and immovable property, sources of income with the purpose of their further redistribution between participants in legal, moral, material, physical persecution.
This is not the first and not the last wave of persecution of me on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Total losses and expenses from conclusions, decisions, actions from name Lithuania of Republic amounted to about forty thousand euros at a cost price. In my case, when after each wave of persecution am have to start living with of anew- this is a lot of money.
Am estimate this case as a cost without roof over your head, financial resources, sources of livelihood, without legal documents and the possibility of obtaining them return to the legal space of the European Union, purchase of real estate, a vehicle, necessary household appliances , means of communications, transfer to the place of actual place residence of the social package remaining in the Republic of Lithuania, recall of my investments in the economy of the republic of Lithuania and taxes paid, compensations for forced change of residence, search and creation of sources of income. As am should also add moral and legal bullying, humiliation, pain, loss of people close to me - children.
Total - am estimate this wave of persecution at a million euros, and the unwillingness of the Lithuanian jurisprudence to cooperate in identifying the means and methods of legal, financial, material, moral, physical persecution in order to obtain benefits for officials in a criminal way another million euros - only two million euros (2 000 000.00 Euro)
It's clear that those deported to the territory of the Russian Federation first of all had to face representatives of local police and criminal structures. It was very difficult and difficult for me to find mutual understanding, support from their side, to obtain Lithuanian Shangen visa for a travel document fabricated by mutual agreement of representatives of the Rietavas Administration and the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, the so-called passport. Here it is necessary to understand that the rest of the life to live illegally, without a permanent place of residence, social guarantees and savings, in an unacceptable public legal format would also not be right for me.
Am understand so - if the administration of Rietavo local government decided on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania that my presence or residence on its territory for any reason is undesirable, then it was necessary to force them to behave towards me at least decently with the return of my social package, investments in their economy, compensation for the property remaining on the territory of Lithuania and changed of place of residence. From that time there with me left remained mutual understanding, trust, good business relations in the public and legal environment hostile to my beliefs, upbringing, education.
then it all ended like this - Grazina and am officially terminated our relationship, on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania, as an obligation to the European Justice, am received residence permit, and the children to stayed lived with me ( Addendum 1-8Divorce, 1-9DecisionChildren, 1-10PlaceReside ).
The consequences of an attack organized by the administration Rietavas municipality mediated by the Russian main intelligence department with the aim of embezzling my property, social savings, investments in the Lithuanian economy and means of income are not only material - three months with the children of Eduarda and Ernestas in hospital. Am with children was droving to all court hearings from the hospital.
Eduarda has rickets, Ernestas has a severe concussion and pneumonia. The child may not be able to drive vehicles on his own in the future - strabismus, disabled. My own money for that period time am did not have. Rietavo self-government in represented a all services were having only complaints, but did not help in any way and did not participate in any way. Without any requests from my side, knowing our plight, my friends, former classmates, colleagues, relatives from local Europe, America, Nord Europe helped us. The blockade was breaked. So that in the future Grazina could no is present any claims to us, am took receipt from her she their no have. ( Addendum 1-11GrazinaHasNoComplain ).
After a while, we began to receive, albeit not in full, but small subsidies, payments of subsidies for the maintenance of the children Grazina's and her loveboys stopped. there was no point in blackmailing me about this, and Grazina became unnecessary for not her lover or manlovers
Grazina appeared at the end of spring. I'm not complaining, at that time we lived hard - am will was need to look after the children, earn money, take care of the house with the garden, and somehow improve the way of homelife. Of course these are all pleasant chores, but of worries many.
We gave her shelter, and after a while will was born Lele from it's ex-boyfriend. Grazina herself writes about that period of time in her request to the Lithuanian Department of Internal Affairs and other instances to stop the persecution to legal of us ( Addendum 1-13GrazinaLetter ).
To live in even relative prosperity we was not be able, Child and Social services of Rietavas was did not forgived us for their unsatisfied ambitions to appropriate and redistribute my and my family's property and periodically terrorized us in all possible ways.
For example, us take my Income Statement from 2011 (Addendum AdditionalDocument-11IncomeStatement2011). Without Euro devaluation for five people Rietavas municipality had to pay monthly allowance of 1224 Euro. With devaluation - 1464 Euro. For the year the amount of subsidies paid to us was 2359.00 Euro, when according to the declared documentation of the Rietavas municipality itself it should have amounted to 7320.00 Euro. Underpaid - 4960.00 Euro.
For 2012 was underpaid 5800 Euro ( Addendum 14IncomeStatdment2012 ).
For 2013 there is no information about the payments of subsidies from Rietavo municipality, there are none - 7320,00 Euro were not paid, and this is already the next wave of the attack.
It was a terrible period both for me and for the children. At the initiative and participation the Child and Social services of Rietavas, Grazina went to live with her new lovefrend - the owner.
They took over our small hairdressing salon along with all the initial and other investments that to us very cost ( Addendum 1-17HairDrezsing ). Direct participation in the fraudulent raid seizure, all sorts of pressure from the Chils and Social services Rietavas of self menedzment ( Addendum 1-18KinderGarten ). As a result, we have lost not only a source of income, but also an investments in the amount of 9000 Euro ( Addendum 1-19CostOfHairdressing ).
Grazina had an internship for qualification certificate already in my hairdressing salon, and on June 13, 2013, officially, on behalf of my company, she began to provide hairdressing services with all tax, social and other payments in accordance with the law.
Income from the hairdressing salon, as in the implementation of any initial stage of entrepreneurship, was small at that time. Rietavas self government program to help small and medium-sized businesses 'pletros programos paramos smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslui' to did not work in our case ( decision of Rietavas zelf goverment of February 19, 2009 Nr. TI-60 ).
This means that I had to support Grazina itself, and invest in the business itself, so that it would be liquid.
Today this hairdressing salon, with the assistance of the administration of the local municipality, was appropriated by Grazina and her cohabitant. They appropriated our small hairdressing salon along with all the initial and other investments that to us very cost ( Addendum 1-17HairDrezsing - ).
Direct participation in the fraudulent raid seizure, all sorts of pressure from the Civils and Social services Rietavas of self menedzment ( Addendum 1-18KinderGarten - ). Am believe that they owe my family about 2800.62 Lt, or in terms of a coefficient of 3.45, excluding devaluation - 811.77 Euro.
This is only what - on for what am have receipts and other evidence. This without 9000 Lt ( 2608.69 Euro ) paid by him according to the contract, who disappeared along with the payment documents it's hard to say now from home or from the hairdresser ( Addendum 1-19CostOfHairdressing - ).
Am don’t have direct evidence, but indirect confessions were heard in court - but no one attached any importance to this - so this don't counts.
According to Grazina declared statements in the claim dated 2014.04.28 Nr. CBP-667 Plunge to the District Court (Plunges Apilinkes Teismui) ( Addendum 1-23ClaimGrazina - and 1-24ConclusionsMielene - ), she changed her permanent place of residence i.e. went to live with Algirdas Ignasas in October 2013.
But it's not.
Grazina left to live from us with her children for her new loveman in September. She left for his birthday and never came back on home. And in October, Grazina, with the help of Rietavas social services, took of 'wring out' Lele from me. under pressure from the Rietavas social and children's service, I was unable to pick her up from one of the meetings of the Rietava self government regarding this conflict since am didn't have any documents for it.
Therefore, Grazina went to live with her loveman Algirdas Ignasa in September, leaving for me and common children and self young daughter. this is clearly seen from the income statement where, without receiving funds from the hairdresser itself, I should have to suppored Grazina herself and the workplace until November 2013 at written accord with the labor exchange about her training. This is with all the costs and expenses ( Addendum 22QuestionToAdvocatePiekienei - and 16TripleTreatyGrazina - ). It is also clear from the documents that, at the request of the administration of Rietavas municipality, the lawyer Grazina - Piekiene committed the deliberately false forgery in order to wishful thinking in income declarations of Grazina.
And are am myself did not have access to a hairdresser due to the organized joint operational activities of the Rietavas self government - social, children's services and the police.
Therefore, the start of Grazina's independent business activity is dated only from November 19, 2013.
It was a terrible period both for me and for the children. At the initiative and participation the Child and Social services of Rietavas, Grazina went to live with her new lovefrend - the owner ( Addendum 22QuestionToAdvocatePiekienei - )
For 2013 in Rietavas municipelity, there no documents about receiving subsidies or any other income from it self government. Аnd they were not in the flesh until May 2014, until the moment my house was stormed in order to kidnap children from me.
Now try to imagine how we managed to survive, and this is without any compensation for heat, additional payments for childrens, other privileges that other families received. Eduarda needed to be every day collected for school. also had to child welfare service of self goverment of rietavas had claims to Ernestas regarding kindergarten attendance. And we had also to pay this servis - no discounts, full day to full price. full day this is about 30 euros. in our situation, this is a very large and unjustified amount, plus need to brought/taking home - this is also money and not small. Ten kilometers one way, ten the other way, 2x24. And total 30 euro cervis, 48 euro wey, plus depreciation, plus overhead - the claims clearly exceeded our financial capacity. As result of the deliberate provision of material, financial pressure, according to my documented calculations, the self goverment of Rietavas for that period, owed me: - 4320.00 euro underpaid/unpaid subsidies - 457.24 euro unpaid compensation for heating, moreover, on the basis of own, alternative amendments to regional legislation.To explainding: Lithuania is not Miami. therefore, in order to survive in the autumn, winter, spring periods, it is necessary to heat the living space, especially a for kids - children. we did not receive firewood or the means to purchase it legal declared as obligations of the self government of Rietavas. compensations for heating with electricity, decklared of according to the decision of the region program of self government of Rietavas - also. due to ignoring the administration self government of Rietavas own obligation, our budget to hased cash deficit. In order to cope with the conditions of seasonal survival, I had to use the services of the Lesto company, which provided me with little cash loan at big interest to pay off the costs of seasonal heating due to non-fulfillmented of financial obligations self government of Rietavas. ( Addendum - 14LESTO_DebtClaims, 15BailiffGelvora, 17Kredit24 ) I understand that the administration of self government of Rietavas is legally exempt from any liability for its obligations, conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, but this must be stipulated in decisions before the administration of self government declares its obligations, but not after that, otherwise it is a fraud on regional level state of the Lithuania. Based on the foregoing, another 4426.39 euros should be added to the forced seson expenses for the repayment and servicing of the loan due to the fault of the administration of self government of Rietavos. I believe that the interests of third parties and my reputation must not be suppering due to unauthorized actions of self government of Rietavas. And another 532.52 euro for claims for financial obligations initiated by the administration of self government of Rietavas due to its own ignored for its own obligations. Total - 9736.15 Euro.
And to this I will add a question to the lawyer Javita Piekiene - the reason for the fraudulent manipulation of the tax declaration of the period 2013.02.01 / 2014.01.31 Grazina Korenevskiene (Ozalaite) under what confidencial agreements and with whom? (Addendum - 22QuestionToAdvocatePiekienei )
From the foregoing it is clear that in order to create unbearable conditions for life and to force the material property belonging to me and my family to be sold as cheaply as possible, we were very strongly persecuted on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania by public and officials of the Self Government of Rietavas - therefore claims against her.
Due to circumstances beyond my control as stupidity, negligence, carelessness or irresponsibility, but I have limited physical capabilities ( Addendum 2-1ReferenceMedikalRecord - )
The self government of Rietavas using this circumstance exert pressure for extortion order to my for out material resources and property and to make it as difficult as possible for me to care for and look after children, take care of them, participate in their lives.
Fo this reason, in order to be able to care for and look after children, take care of them, participate in their lives, am decided to qualify as a full hairdresser myself and open other hairdresser, instead of the one that was embezzled by Grazina and her cohabitan with helping public and official persons self government of Rietavas.
After according to tripartite contractual obligations, the term of keeping Grazina on the balance sheet of my company ended, I fired her ( Addendum 2-2IncomeStatement - ) The work of the enterprise had to be stopped due to the critical balance of cash (Addendum 2-4BusinessInterruption - ), and in order to qualify as a general hairdresser, am had to turn to the labor exchange for financing.
Are now we to see at the decision to take my children from me in civil case No. 2-875-747/2014. the decision was taken on May 08, 2014 ( Addendum 8DecisionTemporaryChangeResidenceChildren - ). This means that according to the income statement from the self government of Rietavas dated January 02, 2019 finance pressure undepaind 1080.00 euros and for that period ( Addendum 2-2IncomeStatement - ).
In order to realize my plan to qualify as generalist hairdresser and
open a small hairdressing salon, I managed to pass an exams in the
Lithuanian Language , the Lithuanian Constitution ( Addendum 2-3LanguageExam - )
and obtain residence permit in the territory of the Republic of
Lithuania. Here the permit was only name for permanent residence, but in
fact I was constantly terrorized about this and constantly wanted to be
deported, and for some reason to the Russian Federation.
I don't
understand why the states of the United States of America or other
states of the united Europe do not require the same from persons with
Lithuanian civil belonging?
As the certified specialist in the
Lithuanian language, I can say with absolute competence that the
generally accepted in the American and European understanding of word
citizen is absent in the Lithuanian language, it's replaced by the word -
nationalite in the sense of subjekt or slaves.
Further, in order to
realize my plans, I needed to get a referral to training courses to
acquire the qualification of the generalist hairdresser.
offices of the labor exchange of Rietavas and Plunge, due to the
opinion and internal agreements with the major and administration of
self government of Rietavas, to me denied such the referral.
then my
relatives made me and my children temporary registration of residence
in klaipeda and by the decision of the labor exchange office in
Klaipeda, I'm received referral for training in the qualification of the
generalist hairdresser ( Addendum 2-5EducationalStandAloneContract - ).
At the same time as am was getting the referral to study, Zibute
Miliene of wolker of Child Welfare Service of self government of
Rietavas commissioned by the mejor of self government of Rietavas and
administration director of self government of Rietavas, together with
Grazina and her partner, as well as Dalia Jucene wolker of social
servis of district government of self government of Rietavas, Virginia
Norvelene of wolker of social centr of self government of Rietavas with
the aim of kidnapping children prepared an attack on the manor of von
constantines, village of labargy of self government of Rietavas.
don't have direct evidence, but according to indirect evidence, am
suspect that Vita Bukene also took part in the persecution of me and the
children under my care, proclaiming the slogan - 'whoever supports
constantine it's enemy of the self government of Rietavas and of
Sovietregim'. And this was to be understood by the inhabitants of hte
village as a threat of moral, legal, material and financial pressure
from the self-government of Rietavas.
They have here the construction
of socialism in taken separatery self-government of taken separatery
state of the European Union. Therefore, the illegal acts of public and
servis persons they must be understood as an action of patriotism.
socialism here is the distribution of resources, income, impunity and
permissiveness according to the clan principle of belonging of public
and officials person to the Soviet regime of taken separatery
self-government of taken separatery state of the European Union.
Lawsuit from Grazina, then still Korenevskiene to regarding children filed 2014 April 28 ( Addendum 2-6ClaimGrazina - )
at the same dated time 2014 June 5, full of lies, slander, hypocrisy
conclusions from the child welfare services of self government of
Rietavas of Zibute Mielene ( Addendum 2-7RietavoChildProtectionServiceFindings -
) . in order to emphasize my associativity in the conclusions of Zibute
Mielene, the 'husband' from whom Grazina and her children ran away is
repeated more than once because I pose a threat to the health and life
of children, which in both the first and second did not ist to reality.
clear that to not a single word or even a hint about material,
financial, physical, legal pressure on me with the children, not a
single word about Grazina’s relationship with her cohabiant Algerdas
Ignasas and her and Zibute Mielene’s other friends.
one attack by
Raimond Rupslaukis, the close frand of Grazina and Zibute Mielene, the
relative of Dalia Jucene of wolker of social servis of district
government of self government of Rietavas, instigated by Virginia
Norvelene of social wolker of self government of Rietavas and recorded
by my statement to the police of self government of Rietavas, very cost
me. Without negative health consequences, I have the opportunity to lift
weights only up to five kilograms, and in this case I could not inflict
any injuries on him, at the same time, he bears absolutely no
responsibility for physical pressure for me. And here we see that for
any actions against me and the children in my care, to all - complete impunity and permissiveness.
From the lawsuit of Grazina it is clearly seen that in her desire to
assert herself she was guided not by moral standards, but by the selfish
interests of her friends and acquaintances to better her material
well-being at the expense of me and the children.
And when am read the conclusions of the Zibute Miliene ( 2014-05-06 Nr VTS-134 ( ) in 2014-04-28 of the lawsuit (
) ), I was surprised by her unsubstantiated and unfounded claims
against me ( ), but the court, in its decision of 2014 May 8 in civil case
Nr 2-875-74712014 to urgently change the place of residence for the
children, was guided by Zibute Miliene conclusions ( Addendum 2-8DecisionTemporaryChangeResidenceChildren - ) .
the fact that due to the prompt actions of the administration of self
government of Rietavas our financial situation was critical, I
understood well both the purpose of the attack, and the ways to achieve
and consequences for we this of the attack by the administration of self
government of Rietavas - and am to protested.
It cost me very lot -
the advocate is paid, Edute is studying, am also need to do documents
for my studies, each piece of paper of lawyer is 100 Euro.
my numerous attempts to explain myself to the majer and administrative
director of self government of Rietavas from the moral and legal side,
there was no pity on their part either for me or for the children.
us stood the well-funded, heavily armed with office equipment,
transport, communications, warm offices and all sorts of connections and
departmental solidarity, the army of Vitka Wild ( Addendum Vytautas Dičiūnas - )
Nevertheless, am still hoped for the common sense of the Lithuanian
justice system and, against the whole trend, filed an appeal against not
legal the conclusions, actions, and behavior of the self government of
Rietavas. But according to any internal agreements, opinions,
conclusions, the complaint under the decision Nr 2S-1000-460 / 2014 of
the process Nr 2-33-3-00666-2014-6 of 2014 September 3 - was rejected ( Addendum 2-9AppealDecision - ).
order to argument to rejecting the complaint the opinion of the moyor
and administrative director of self government of Rietavas by the fact
of the real residence of the children ( Addendum exactly one month before the assault -, 2-11ZibuteReplyToComplain - )
Zibute Miliene, Virginia Norvelene, together with employees of the
local police and fire departments, illegally, without a legal basis they
storm the manor of von constantines, village Labargy - with all the
consequences ( Addendum 2-12NewspaperZiniosStormingHouse - ).
doors were broken down, am was injured, the children were taken away by
force or in other words kidnapped. the total amount of only material
damage from the assault was more than 5,000 (five thousand) Euro. I
tried to explain to the responsible persons of the institutions who
participated in this event about its illegal makeng and negative
consequences not only for me, but also for the children - but they were
sure of their impunity under the patronage of the administration of self
goverment of Rietavas, and those in turn, were in the state of
euphoria from the opportunity given to them to extort property and
income from me using children taken hostage for this
( Addendum 2-13TerminationHouseStormingCase - ).
took me several days to find out where the kidnapped on administration
of self goverment of Rietavas children were. They were kept in the
social center of self government of Rietavas. no one reacted to my
appeals to law enforcement agencies, including the Klaipeda Commisariat.
After some time, am was still allowed to see them in the presence
of employees of the social center, employees of the child protection
service and the police of self government of Rietavas.
In order to
somehow support the children in the hope of a favorable outcome for us
of the troubles coming from the administration of self government of
Rietavas, every day after classes am was dangled from Klaipeda to the
social center of Rietavas.
Judicial decisions to grant childs visits and the assistance of the lawyer in obtaining them was are paid ( Addendum 2-18TemporaryDates1 -, 2-19TemporaryDates2 -, 2-20RequestRegulationDating - ), and visit times are always too short and inconvenient ( Addendum ).
After the abduction of children and the legalization of the crime
committed on behalf of the administration of the self government of
Rietavas, alimony was added to the operational unforeseen financial
burden, and the expenses for the past period of child support and
seasonal heating remained entirely for me.
In other words, it was not my fauld that the stipend was halved, and the expenses increased several times over.
this regard and due to the operational activities of the self
government of Rietavas and the legalization of the crimes of its
administration and employees in order to complete his studies and
realize his plans, am had to take loan ( Addendum 17Kredit24 - ).
order to justify their criminal conclusions, decisions, actions,
behavior and at the same time activate additional moral, legal,
financial, physical pressure for me to by the court decisions in favor
of Grazina and her partner - I was to by charged with causing bodily
harm to Eduarda, which resulted in a hematoma, which in my opinion was a
consequence of the reconciliation of violence by employees of the
social service and the child protection service of self government of
Rietavas for Eduarda im moment she kidneping ( Addendum 24ChildBeatingIndictmentEdute - ) .
according to the indictment from the investigator of the police
department of the Klaipeda Commissariat of self goverment of Rietavas
are far-fetched and don't correspond to common sense, and therefore are
more the fact of unwillingness to perceive reality as such, replacing
reality with the desired, which in turn indicates that the indictment is
not an error of the investigation, but deliberate and planned crime in
order to use the official position for taiked some benefits, privileges,
incomes promised for this by the administration of the self government
of Rietavas.
The same is evidenced by the expert's conclusions where
the last terms from the time Eduarda received the bruise that led to
the hematoma coincide in time with the moment of illegal actions of
employees of the protection of children and social services when
kidnapping children.
During the procedural hearing of the case,
Eduarda was involved as a witness, but communication with her was
blocked not only during the hearing, but also before and after it, that
is, for that period of time, under pressure from the child protection
and social services, I was could not contact and influence behavior
children or Eduarda during the hearing, or threaten them in case of
giving negative evidence against himself it means that, based on the
material documented in the court, the procedure at the insistence of
Zibute Miliene of the Child Welfare Service of self goverment of
Rietavas ( Addendum 22ZubuteAboutCommunicationWithChildrens
) was changed so that Eduarda would feel pressure as a threat of
reprisal or punishment if testimony does not match wat dezired her and
Grazina's ( Addendum 32BeatingEduteProcedure - ) .
that is, here we already see the criminal conspiracy where they participate:
- administration and subordinated they services of self government of Rietavas;
- police officers of self government Rietavas of Klaipeda Komisariat Policia;
- employees District Court of Plunge and Legal Aid of Klaipeda;
- employees of prosecutor's office of Plunge.
cost me a year of travel in the probation department of Plunge, due to
the lack of funds, on foot, in all weather conditions, 40 kilometers one
way and 40 kilometers the other, which is summ 50 miles, twice a week (
Addendum - )
with the court decision of 2014 June 5 Nr VST-175, the hope for a
favorable outcome of the conflict disappeared - am to have lost children
( Addendum 23DecisionAboutPlaceResidence - ).
understand that my life and my children is not big cost, but I
consciously want to draw the attention of responsible publics and
officials persons of lietuvos Respublika, of the European Union ans
United State to violations of the laws and the justification and
legitimization of knowingly criminal activities publics and officials
persons of self government of Rietavas, areas of Plunge, and of
Klaipeda - therefore am ask on my account for 10,000,000 (ten million)
euros. this is due to the fact that if the deliberation criminal
activity of the administration of self government of Rietavas, as well
as the judicial and law enforcement persons of the Lithuanian Republic
persons and cooperating with it, is not stopped, this will cost all the
states of America and Europe much more.
On period during the trial am also tried to worry about the future of
the children, initiated and prepared notarized documents for the
judicial sitting trial on determining the place of residence for the
children 'del nustatimo vaikams gevenamoji vieta' case Nr 2-875-747/2014
process Nr 2-33-3-0000666-2014-6 ( Addendum 23DecisionAboutPlaceResidence
) where I asked me to transfer part of the real estate belonging to me
village of labardziai, 2 to Eduarda and Ernestas in equal shares.
have never trusted Grazina as a guardian of children and would not
trust, because of her idea, to realize her ambitions of self-worth
through relationships with a large number of friends and acquaintances
of dubious reputation and who are haved alcohol addigme. despite the
concealment in the conclusions and the judicial hearing of these facts,
it's seen there is clear desire to realize her significance by causing
me as much damage as possible, where she pays with sexual services and
means, property ensuring the material well-being of children in favor of
public officials and officials persons of self government of Rietavas.
And she found in the employees of the social center of self goverment of
Rietavas working directly with hertolerance and promotion for this type
of behavior in order to way fraudulently the manipulating what she the
wanty with reality realize her ambitions. here we are talking about
specific persons of the social services of the municipality and the
district of Rietavas self government - Virginija Norvelene, Vida Bukene,
Dalia Jucene.
for these reasons, it was important for me that
decisions regarding real estate, regardless of the circumstances, be
made with the participation of my sister, or her children, or
grandchildren as its owners, which would provide for the impossibility
of influencing the decision or under pressure on behalf of the
administration of self goverment of Rietavas, or its nomenklatura, or
employees who perceive residents and their property of Rietavas regional
administrative unit of the Republic of Lithuania as their property.
having consulted the child protection worker Zibute Miliene, her
cohabitant Algerdas Idnasas, the worker with social risck families
Virginija Norvelene, the lawyer Jovita Piekiene, on behalf of the
children as their guardian, refused, because she did not see ot they not
see the opportunity to appropriate or acquire, on the terms of her
environment, belonging to me and mine sister property, or use it for
extortion of material, financial resources and income ( Addendum 16NotaryOffice - ).
the already existing experience of relations with the Rietavas self
goverment, as well from as the operational actions of the self goverment
of Rietavas, I gues if Antanas Cerneckis, as the organizer and customer
of illegal actions, as well as the head of the organized criminal group
self goverment of Rietavas, would have been able to further realize the
initial their plans both through moral, material, financial, physical
pressure, legal persecution, physical deportation me to territories not
controlled by European justice and liquidate me through collusion,
cooperation with the main Russian intelligence directorate, Grazina,
with permission and support, subordinated to him in the person of
Vitautas Diciunas child care services would sell or transfer my and my
sister's property to someone close to Antanas Cerneckis or Vitautas Diciunas himself.
Based on the foregoing in the case of determining
the place of residence of children and voluntarily assuming
responsibility for the material support for the beginning of their
independent life, through the capitalization of funds from their
maintenance until adulthood where the Administration of self government
of Rietavas assumed the obligations of the guarantor in the person of
the child protection and social security services as then by rejecting
my proposal on behalf of the children, the administration of the self
government of Rietavas is responsible for the financial support the
childrens for the beginning of an independent of life.
Due to aggressive and unsubstantiated accusations Antanas Cerneckis - and Vitautas Diciunas - am
lost my children and also and the opportunity to worry about their
future too.
Rietavas self goverment for me spat on, raped and
mockingly humiliated in every possible way, and me while am really
needed the support of children, the hope that would be able to get out
of the power violence and arbitrariness of the administration of self
goverment of Rietavas, which brought us all so much trouble, pain,
suffering and did not promise anything good for us in the future.
general situation was very difficult, I did not have as many means,
opportunities and accordingly influence to be as the administration and
services of the self government of Rietavas, so it was necessary not
only to act, but also be patient on many years. In order not to
completely lose contact with the children during this time, am applied
to the court with request to officially determine the time and procedure
for my communication with the children.
At the same time, Grazina's
relationship with the children did not develop and they complained that
Grazina herself, and her cohabitant, as well as employees of the social
service and child welfare services close to their family of self
goverment of Rietavas, often maked used violence against them in a
particularly mocking form, so that would humiliate both them and me in
the eyes. In this regard, me had to refuse to meet with Eduarda, and
regarding the injuries to Ernestas' head and legs, we together with him
turned to the police department of Klaipeda komisariat of self goverment
of Rietavas ( Addendum 21ErnesMedicalRecord - ).
of somehow positively influencing the children's relationship with
Grazina, her partner and their close child welfare and social care
workers, a decision was made to block the children's opportunities to
protect their interests and contact medical institutions in case of
household injuries ( Addendum )
is, the decision taken was obviously not in the interests of the
children, but in favor of the possibility of forceful self-assertion
over them by Grazina, her partner, employees of the child care and
social protection services of self government of Rietavas.
And from
the submission and conclusions of the leading specialist of the child
protection service Zibute Mielene 'del bendravima su vaikais' (regarding
communication with children) dated 2014.11.05 Nr VTS 319 ( Addendum 22ZubuteAboutCommunicationWithChildrens
), you can see her and her leader Vitautas Diciunas -
the opinion that my communication with children was not included in the
circle their interests. This explains the court decision of October 29,
2014, with the determination of the permanent residence of the children
with Grazina ( Addendum 23DecisionAboutPlaceResidence
) and the falsified indictment against me on the fictional beating of
children with gross violations of the procedures of the investigation
and the judicial process, committed at the request of client of the
customer mayer of self goverment of Rietavas Antanas Cerneckis - and administration director of self government of Rietavas Vitautas Diciunas - ( Addendum 24ChildBeatingIndictmentEdute - ).
During that time am closed my training in the program of the
hairdresser of wide profile and received a diploma confirming my
competence, and also I officially worked in a company UAB 'Kemperu
Servisas', an employment contract dated February 2015 17 Nr 33 and
officially fo was payding alimony through the bailiff Ilona Girdeniene
'patvirkiemos del islaikinemo isieskojimo' nuo 2015 February 26 Nr
s-3647 and besides this, in the evening am was job in prestiz club to
earn reputation for qualification certificate ( Addendums 25HairdresserDiplouma -, 26LaborContractKemperuServisas -, 27Alimony - ).
did not receive money for the Job in club, it was an expense item, not
income, and to them need add expence item as the claims of the
Lithuanian social management fund 'Socialineo Draudimo Fondo Valdibos,
Mazeikiu skirius' 'del nurodimo isieskoti skola is Konstantin
Korenevskiy privestine tvarka' from 2015.03.02 Nr (7.41) SL-2925 -
117.85 Euro ( Addendum 27Alimony - ).
In other words, the administration of the self government of Rietavas, represented by the administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
decided to additionally put financial pressure on me as the claim of
117.85 euros for the internship and obtaining the qualification
certificate, which had nothing to do them. But Vitautas Diciunas
although he does not have a certificate of mental disability,
nevertheless occupies a significant position in Rietavas municipality,
and therefore, like many other responsible employees who are on the
balance sheet of Rietavas municipality, is not responsible for his
conclusions, decisions, actions, behavior, including under criminal
articles as extortion.
Whatever it was, the qualifying exams am to passed and received the qualifying certificate ( Addendum 29QualificationCertificate - ).
other words, am coped with the situation, stabilized my financial
situation, officially worked, officially paid alimony, officially
received the specialty of the general profile hairdresser and now
officially had the opportunity to realize my plans for the
implementation self of the services offer as the general profile
But my progress this was not part of the plans of self goverment Rietavas of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas -
then by conspiracy, on the basis of departmental solidarity they're
undertook the next wave of moral, material, financial, physical pressure
on me, due to they did not manage to fraudulently appropriate the
property, income, belonging to me and my family, and with the aim of so
to avenge the fact that they failed to realize their criminal plans.
Kirpejo Menas from Constantine -
Grozio Salono Verslo Planas from Constantine -
Sukuosenos, Kasu Pynimas from Constantine -
order to satisfy their ambitions and avenge the fact that they were not
able to fraudulently appropriate property of my and my family, then
Rietavas self government mayer Antanas Cerneckis - with administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- and
the social worker of the self-government subordinate to them Dalia
Jucene, in collusion with employees of the bailiff Ilona Girdeniene,
employees of the Boards of the State Social Insurance Fund, as well with
other offices of bailiffs, at one moment block theyr claims my bank
accounts and arested all my movable and immovable property.
essence of this event was that in order to receive that part of the
money earned, which, after all the deductions, was due to me as vital,
am hading to sort things out with both the bailiffs and the
administration of the state social insurance fund. I worked in Klaipeda,
and all these authorities were in other cities at a distance of 30
miles, to visit them during working hours I had to take time off from
work plus direct financial costs. The arrests of the funds due to me in
the bank accounts were systematically repeated twice a month and twice a
month am had to visit to different authorities and agree that they
would be unblocked ( Addendum 30ArrestFinances - ).
order also on visits with children was also regulated by the working
day and during working hours - friday from 14:00 to 15:30 ( Addendum 1BreakingCommunicationChildren - ).
Thus, on average, a little more than two days remained from the working week for the work itself as a source of income.
I believe that these organized akcios using publick and official position Antanas Cerneckis - and Vitautas Diciunas
caused me moral, life times and material damage in the amount of 10,000
(ten thousand) euros and must compensate me for this.
They had so lot of fun from the euphoria of their own impunity and
permissiveness, that the already committed crimes for demonstration of
self significance did not enough for them.
then the district court of
Plunge, guided by slander and gossip contrary to logic, common sense
and excluding one another, falsified materials of the investigation and
examination, absolutely untrue conclusions of child welfare services and
social services of self government of Rietavas, charge me with
fictitious crimes and will extending another two in month visit to the
Crime Prevention Department of Plunge.
In other words, in addition to
running around the bailiffs, meeting with children, one more permanent
activity was added - visiting the Plungė crime prevention department in
the self goverment of Rietavas.
But even this was not enough for them
and they decided to complicate my life even more. As am understand it,
the goal set by mayor Antanas Cerneckis - and administarative director
Vitautas Diciunas - of self goverment of Rietavas to they wolker of child
welfare services and social services Zibute Miliene, Virginija
Norvelene, Dalia Jociene was to break me both morally, and materially,
physically turning me into a demonstrative trash of person.
November 2015 on complaint from the Social Center of self government of
Rietavas, on the way home from work, a traffic patrol stops me and takes
away my driver's license. Legally they shouldn't have done it. It was
their competence to issue me a fine for driving with an expired driver's
license, which for some reason am ignored or was not able to prolong
with a new one and not interfere with traffic due to the absence of
critical violations that could entail or provoke negative consequences
for other road users. But since this was the service at the level of
departmental solidarity, then, like any other renderved service to self
government of Rietavas, it went beyond regulated legal relations, all
the also - lies, fraud, manipulation of reality.
During the judicial
work to incident fact by as the reason for my use of the Soviet model of
a driver's license, court innore to fact court the relationship between
the administrative director of Vitautas Diciunas - of self government of
Rietavas and representatives of the Russian Main Intelligence Department
of Klaipeda Rusian Consulat.
But this was precisely the reason why
am could not change my driver's license for a new model - due to the
lack of any registration even in the past tense on the territory of The
Russia, or The Soviet Lithuania, or The Soviet Union and continued to
use the old servis driver license model.
The court had to somehow
justify the decisions and actions of the traffic police, therefore they
ignored the very source of the incident the administrative director
Vitautas Diciunas - of self government of Rietavas and he issued an
ambiguous decision ( Addendum 31DriversLicense - ).
from this place, all the characters begin the court and traffic police
an attack of amnesia since all subsequent decisions and actions
contradict not only the laws of Lithuania and the constitution, but also
the obligations assumed by the Republic of Lithuania when joining The
Common European Space - The European Union. everyone forgets that from
1939 to 1992, Lithuania officially, according to the legislation and the
constitution, was under Soviet Occupation and as the result, did not
have its own jurisdiction, was not The Separate Soviet Region of The
Common European Space, to only on this basis is not responsible for all
crimes committed on behalf of The Soviet Regime within its present
But also on the same basis, persons resettled in the
territory of modern Lithuania during The Soviet Occupation 1939-1992 as
loyal to the Soviet regime are not ethnic residents of Lithuania with
all their soviet moral and legal ideas, understanding and type of
Am will return to the description of further misadventures with a
driver’s license to later, but for now the general situation was this - I
lost my driver’s license, vehicle, because due to the persecution of
the bailiffs, am could not register it for myself, and my workplace as a
source of income allowing make ends meet.
Grazina, on the advice of
employees of child protection and social service of self government of
Rietavas, immediately filed document and into bailiff and child support
fund. That is, am had double claims against one court decision on the
maintenance of children, both from the bailiff and from the child
support fund, through the same bailiff, and one did not exclude the
other. And this while am was drowning into debt with a very negative
perspective for the future ( Addendum 34ZibuteExtortionIllegalIncome - ).
my plight, my former colleagues tried to offer me to mount navigation
equipment on ships in Japan, but due to the obligations associated with
the court decision on charges falsified by the administration of self
government of Rietavas represented by mayor Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- , am
should will reguliar visited o the Prevention Service Crimes of Plunge
and was forced to refuse.
In order to have at least some income
covering the costs of financial claims initiated by the self government
of Rietavas, am tried to get a job at Palska closed joint stock company.
But there to was bened specific nuances ( Addendum 33Palska - ).
Firstly, to pay accruing alimony and interest for obviously bad financial claims initiated by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- of
self government of Rietavas officially and directly through the bailiffs
as deductions from the money due to me for the work of administration
of join stock of Palska to refused. Am think the basis was the internal
relationship between the leaders of join stock Palska and the
administration of self government of Rietavas, where the latter planned
to deliberately fraudulently claim of payment alimenty for one court
decision three times.
On legal proceedings judgment the framework of
the bailiff, through a childres maintenance fund and not official
deductions and at my expense through the administration of the join
stock Palska.
Second, in order to have a corresponding payment from
time spent on work, I had to pull the whole direction myself. This is
the search for customers, and measurements, and calculations, and
drawings, and equipment, and manufacturing, and promotion of services.
JSC Palska did not have the money to meet the demand of customers, and
therefore the customers left the funds necessary for completing the
products under my responsibility. When manipulations with funds began,
this could not but affect the quality am declared, the timing and the
very execution of orders. Due to unjustified ambitions and anticipation
dubious incomes to administration of company, am could not and did not
want to risk my reputation, and therefore am had to refuse to cooperate
with JSC Palska ( ).
Therefore, am was surprised by the claims from by the child welfare
workers Zibute Miliene and the social service Virginija Norvelene of
selt goverment of Rietavas, to receive additional income from me in
addition to the claims from the bailiff and the child support fund in
favor of Grazina for tryst with childrens.
This should be understood
as blackmail for the purpose of extorting money, where children are
hostages of the material claims of the administration of self government
of Rietavas.
As evidence use in of the criminal activities of child welfare and social services from the persons mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- of
self goverment of Rietavas, there is a document where they state their
claims in writing signed by Zibute Miliene from 2015.01.21 Nr VTS-16 (
Addendum 34ZibuteExtortionIllegalIncome - ).
regarding the extortion of money from me was also from the district
administration of self government of Rietavas on behalf of the social
worker Dalia Jucene, which proves her involvement in criminal actions
organized by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of self government of Rietavas in my address.
that period of time, duo to operational actions of employees of self
government of Rietavas to Zibute Miliene, Dalia Jucene, Virginija
Norvelene who, by their own admission, followed the instructions of
mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- of
self government of Rietavas, am at all don't had to incomes.
only at the end of the year, with great humiliation for me, gloating and
mockery against me by the administracion of self goverment of Rietavas
and with great difficulty, did I manage to get myself the small subsidy
if except for the forces and means spent on receiving it (Addendums 36IncomeStatement2015 - ; ).
in October, at my request to by court order and on a permanent basis,
to establish a schedule of visits with children, on the part of the
employees of the Ocult Crisis Center and the social worker for working
with associal disadvantaged families Virginija Norvelene of the Social
Center of eself goverment of Rietavas, in the presence of children, I
was insulted , humiliation, bullying, gloating and pressure in order to
arouse in children disgust in my address and thereby induce in them a
desire to break off relations with me.
Before my eyes, they did also
abuse children, humiliated and mocked them, demonstrate their dominance
and that I can’t help them in since mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administative director Vitautas Diciunas
- of
self goverment of Rietavas sankcioned they legal immunity and complete
permissiveness and IMPUNITY ( Addendums 35BeatimgTerminationCommunication - ; 1BreakingCommunicationChildren - ; )
Police and Prosecutor's office did not respond to my complaints. The situation was HOPELESS.
Legal judgment 2015 October 01, civil case Nr e2-1102-225/2015, Nr 2-33-3-0837-2015-7 ( Addendum 38BeatingDeprivationPaternity - )
having any relationship with children could entail already legalized
acts of violence, pressure, blackmail, bullying, extortion both in
relation to the children themselves and in relation to me, and therefore
not only did not make sense, but was also dangerous.
So that the
child protection services, the social service of self government of
Rietavas, in the future could not reproach or humiliate children from
genetic connection with me, am filed request to establish paternity in
the prescribed tocourt order ( Addendum 37PaternityResearch - ).
in order to obtain the desired expert opinion, at the direction of
mayer Antanas Cerneckis and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas of
self government of Rietavas, dirty games with justice and authorized
experts begin on the part of Zibute Miliene, Virginija Norvelene, Vida
Bukene, Dalia Jucene. So that neither the children nor am become victims
of legal fraud, I had to unilaterally interrupt my participation in the
paternity case.
Then the court, in agreement with mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- of
self government of Rietavas, issued a judgment of 2016 February 07 in
civil case Nr e2-30-225/2016 process 2-33-3-0837-2015-7 ( Addendum 38BeatingDeprivationPaternity
) to restriging to me paternal authority and set up visits with
children in the social center of self goverment of Rietavas, under the
supervision of social workers with disadvantaged families Virginija
Norvelene and Vida Bukiene, in a way that would be as unacceptable to me
as possible. But it no longer made any sense, since the approach
itself, access to children was impossible.
As I mentioned earlier and according to another one more medical
examination statement dated 2019.01.02 Nr 000032 I have limited physical
abilities ( Addendum 39MedicalCertificate - ).
on this, without any good and justified reason, I cannot commit
actions, the consequences of which can further limit my physical
abilities and become critical for health, especially since the
high-quality services of a neurosurgeon in my position are practically
Therefore, all the claims against me stated in the
conclusions to the court from the child protection service, social
service, self goverment administration and mayer Antanas Cerneckis - , self goverment administrative director Vitautas Diciunas - of Rietavas are unacceptable.
can be seen from official statements, conclusions, decisions, actions,
they want to use psychological, moral, material, financial, physical
pressure in order to correct actions that will result in the
impossibility for am taking care of themselves on am own and to them
obtain material benefits through criminal of fraudulent means and
satisfaction they have ambitions both for me and for the children.
But this them plans, and I have other plans for my life.
difficult, under moral, material, financial, physical pressure, am
managed to collect the necessary amount from subsidies for poverty and
taking away from the self government of Rietavas with competition a
small room of administrative building for the implementation of my
project of imaging services. ( Addendums 40HairdressingSalon -, ).
a reason to visit the public health center in Plunge, am revoked the
hygienic passport certificate from the premises of hair servis that
Grazina and her partner Algerdas Ignasas took over in 2013 ( Addendum 4InterruptionValidityHygienicPassport - ).
take the competition from self government of Rietavas small room, am to
maked equipped with a small office for the provision of hairdressing
services, such small image service center ( Addendums, ).
Opening the smill hair salon for image services, although it was
associated with some difficulties and difficulties, but this it was
pleasant chores.
There were no funds for the equipment of such a
studio, so the materials am were collected from all available nearby
free dumps and transported by my bicycle.
Then am washed them, cleaned them, repaired them, componed them and assembled them.
turned to out well visually, and also pragmatically, and conveniently. ( Addendum , )
it was required to issue permits, certificates, registrations for the
official provision of services in the make profile. For to create such
conditions for legal relationships with the regional services and the
administration on the basis of the permits, licenses, certificates
documented - my funds and income were willnot enough. Therefore, am
began to look for funding opportunities to build legal relationships
with local regional services and the administration of self government
of Rietavas.
Initially, am drew attention to the programs for the
development of services declared in the region, and according to the
regional development program self government of Rietavas, there was such
an opportunity - a financial assistance program for economic
development for small and medium-sized businesses 'Ekonomines pletros
programs paramos smulkiam ir vidutiniam verslam' from 2009.03.26 signed
by Antanas Cerneckis - ( Addendum 6SubsidiesEntrepreneurshipRietavas
). But as it turned out, according to the administrative director of
self government of Rietavas Vitautas Diciunas
- , it
is not available to me and documents for consideration for receiving
such assistance were not accepted from me due to discrediting reasons to
me that am not a Jew and I to don't have Soviet origin.
I tried to
contact the local labor exchange with a request to provide financial
assistance in formalizing legal relations with regional services and the
administration of self government of Rietavas according to the
financial incentive program for active self-realization opportunities in
the conditions of the early economy 'Aktivos darbo rinkos politikos
premonia' - but in my case this is also turned out to be unavailable ( Addendums 8RequestToLaborOffice - , 5SelfEmploymentStatement
). Probably here, too, she was guided by someone's authoritarian
opinion that everyone who for some reason did not fall under Soviet
occupation, for example, Americans, lokal European, United Kingdomean
are enemies, collaborators and traitors.
Am had to look for
alternative sources of income, collect containers, deny myself the
necessary - in full nutrition, hygiene products, medicines, basic living
conditions and services.
I consider this not only an act of
discrimination in my address, but also a manifestation of intolerance,
inciting ethnic hatred, Rasizm, Nazism towards representatives of other
ethnic groups from America and Europen living or planning to live in
Having very limited financial conditions on all sides, I managed from
to collect the necessary funds from the collection of packaging and from
denying myself the necessary sanitary, household, and other conditions
and pass qualifying exams confirming my knowledge and ability to drive
category 'B' with the possibility of obtaining category 'C' without time
lag for trial period ( Addendum ).
the Lithuania, the rules for passing exams to confirm knowledge and
ability to drive vehicles, as well as obtaining a license confirming
such skills, differ from the USA, others lokal states EU, UK.
temporary license is issued for two years, and only after the trial
quarantine period has expired, it can be changed to permanent one and
confirm your knowledge and skills for a higher qualification.
prudent novice drivers avoid this period of getting behind the wheel,
so as not to lose their driver's license for any, even far-fetched
reason, and only after two years, having lost all the knowledge and
skills acquired during the training, they sit behind the wheel.
The Legal Debilizm is The Lithuanian Tradition nurtured and nurtured by the Soviet regime from generat to generation.
order to provide income for the implementation of myself comercine
plans by selling driver services, am was by needed a driver's license
confirming my knowledge and skills of categors 'C' 'E'.
Am did not
have my own income or finance to obtain the skills necessary for me and
to confirm the knowledge and skills for a driver's license, which
includes categories 'C' 'E', but am was guided by the officially
declared labor exchange financial assistance in obtaining driver's
licenses that were in demand at that time in Lithuania services.
the way, in the process of all these misadventures, I still didn’t
understand what is the difference between a driver’s license obtained in
any state of the Soviet Union by a person who has civil belonging from
some social group of the state Lithuania of the Soviet Union from a
driver’s license also issued by any state of the Soviet Union,
but to a person residing in the territory of the state Lithuania of the
European Union and, accordingly, holding his cityzen in the State
Lithuania of European Union ?
and why, according to the sign of
civil belonging, some use the right to exchange a driver's license with
the preservation of seniority and privileges from the Soviet Union, even
without confirming their knowledge and ability to drive vehicles, while
others even with the citizenship of Lithuania, that is, with the
placement of their social savings, guarantees, merits in the state
Lithuania of European Union - are considered by novice drivers even
without the opportunity to externally demonstration their of drivers
knowledge and skills ? ( Addendum ).
my opinion, the operation of Soviet terminology is manifested here as a
type of understanding, thinking with actual legitimization as a
regional moral norm of discrimination at the level of civil belonging as
subject, the form of distribution of rights, incomes, privileges,
public and officials positions to diaspora, ethnic, ethnic around
declareds in the European Union community clan social characteristics.
this regard, am think it is necessary to pay more attention to the
proclaimed internal moral and legal norms in a regional language to how
this it is legal declared for external consumption in English.
Nevertheless am couldn't afford not to take the chance of makid an
income opportunity with the acquisition of market-demanding 'C' 'B'
driving qualifications. based on this, am wrote the request to the
department of the labor exchange in Rietavas, to help me in makeding on
their acquire trom 2016.02.22 ( Addundum 8RequestToLaborOffice - ).
At this time, Zibute Miliene, Virginija Norvelene, Dalja Jucine, Vitautas Diciunas -
himself, with the assistance of entrepreneurs dependent on self
goverment of Rietavas, began the campaign to terrorized me in order to
force me to leave, or drive me out of the premises that am with such
difficulty did equipped under the image hair salon.
Using as the
pretext all sorts of slander that has nothing to do with the reality of
self goverment of Rietavas, by the decision 'Del ilgalaikio materialiojo
turto nuomos sutarcies nuotraukimo - regarding the termination of the
contract for the long-term lease of material property', the space room
that am did used under the image hair studio was take away ( Addendum 7TerminationLease - ).
am want to emphasize that in the decision to terminate the long-term
lease agreement from self government of Rietavas, the argument
'naudojima ne pogal sutarti - is not used for its intended purpose' does
not correspond to the content of Article 6.611 of the Civil Code of the
Republic of Lithuania as semantic meaning/understanding.
Here the
self government of Rietavas, as a public owner of tangible property, can
establish the conditions for its operation by indicating the possible
use of an activity regulated by one or another make it in the
understanding of the conditions of sanitation, fire and general safety,
but cannot establish the rules for conducting commercial, social
activities, the choice of partners, customers , clients and rules of
relations with them.
Therefore the reasoning in 'Del ilgalaikio
materialiojo turto nuomos sutarcies nuotraukimo - regarding the
termination of the contract for the long-term lease of material
property' from administration of self goverment of Rietavas as
'naudojima ne pogal sutarti - is not used for its intended purpose'
cannot be accepted because the content/understanding Article 6.611 of
the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania is contrary to Lithuanian
I consider that interpreting the article 6.611 by deliberately
substituting the semantic meaning associated with the desire of the
administration of self goverment represented by mayor Antanas Cerneckis -
https://www.rietavas.lta/go.php/lit/Savivaldybes-meras/4 of Rietavas and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas -
administracion of self goverment of Rietavas to fraudulently pass off
the desired meaning for the real one, me and my partners, customers
suffered financial, material, moral damage in the amount of 10,000 (ten
thousand) Euro, which the self government of Rietavas must compensate.
also accuse self goverment of Rietavas, that in order to frustrate my
plans to provide adequate income to ensure the conditions for
self-expression, the mayor of Rietavas Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative Director of self goverment of Rietavas Vitautas Diciunas -
organized with the participation of employees of the child protection
structure Zibute Miliene and the social service of Rietavas Virginija
Norvelene deliberately far-fetched, unsubstantiated accusations of
criminal offenses from me, such as inflicting bodily harm on Zibute
Miliene and Virginija Norvelene, as well as threats against them with
physical violence from my side and many other things.
Consideration of all these cases by agreement of the mayor of Rietavas Antanas Cerneckis - and the administrative director self goverment of Rietavas Vitautas Diciunas -
with the Klaipeda District Court of Plunge and representatives of the
district prosecutor's office took place in the format of closed meetings
without my direct participation.
As the result, by court decision,
am was charged with a large number of all kinds of fines and some kind
of sentence with a suspended sentence, but with financial, material and
physical pressure against me in the process that procedur realization (
Addendum 13ReplacementRestrictionLiberty - ).
order to stimulate the consideration of the case with all causes and
consequences, as well as the operational and actions of the self
goverment of Rietavas, their employees with personal responsibility for
their actions, the behavior of the mayer of Rietavas Antanas Cerneckis
and administrative director of self goverment of Rietavas Vitautas
Diciunas, I to refused cooperate with the probation department of the
Klaipeda District Court of Plunge.
On this occasion, there was the
court session, where the court refused to consider the causal connection
of the far-fetched accusations against me on behalf of the employees of
the servis of the self government of Rietavas, and accordingly began to
consider only my refusal to cooperate with the probation department of
Plunge where limited itself to the decision on three monthes my arrest
with arrival in the penitentiary of Marijampole ( Addendum 12JudgmentCriminalCaseAboutEdute - ).
As the result of the legalization of knowingly false accusations from
employees of the self government of Rietavas, from the persons of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
-, I
lost the opportunity to receive a referral from the Labor Exchange for
training under the JSC 'Vlantana' program for obtaining a driver's
qualification 'C' 'E' category because of the long time spent under
arrest in a correctional institutions ( Addendums 12JudgmentCriminalCaseAboutEdute -, 13ReplacementRestrictionLiberty - , 11Vlantana - ).
Meanwhile Grazina with the blessing of the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- with
the assistance of the social worker with disadvantaged families of self
government of Rietavas Vida Bukiene by the judgment of 2017 November
21, civil case Nr e2-1982- 669/2017 of the lawsuit Nr
2-33-3-01398-2017-2 once again they deprived's me of the rights
paternity by the regulation to basis is desire to exclude my
participation in the life of children on an ongoing basis ( Addendums 9UnspecifiedDeprivationParentage - , 1BreakingCommunicationChildren - ).
Due to the operational actions of the administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
-, I
was subjected to legal, moral, material, financial pressure for a long
time, in a mocking form, in order to appropriate and to extorted of my
material property, financial resources and income.
Using official and
public position for the purpose of direct and indirect extortion of
material, financial, resources and income, the administration of self
government of Rietavas created conditions in various ways from forcible
expulsion from the jurisdiction of the European Union for direct raider
seizure to pressure for create conditions unacceptable for life,
business , social activities what to one degree or another, with a
different amplitude of activity, continues to this day.
In this
analysis of illegal actions, from attempts at appropriation to extortion
of material, financial resources and income, am see violations by the
administration of self government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administative director Vitautas Diciunas
-, as
well as officials and public persons subordinates to them, violations of
Lithuanian law like that:
- article 285 - abuse of service;
article 286 - illegal participation of a public official in the
commercial, economic and/or financial activities of an
- article 287 - abuse of power;
- article 289 - official forgery;
- article 293 - false testimony, conclusions, explanations, translations;
- article 294 - failure to report a crime;
- article 321 - breach of trust in commercial, economic or other activities;
- article 227 - creation and/or financing of a criminal association;
- article 214 - arbitrariness;
- article 273 - extortion of property;
- article 274 - fraud;
- article 277 - make it harm to property by deceit or breach of trust;
- article 295 - concealment of a crime.
the basis of the legal acts of the European Union of 2004 May 1, as
well as additions to the constitution of the Republic of Lithuania by
the act on the membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European
Union of 2004 July 13 Nr IX-2343, to article of the Administrative Code
6.272 liability for damage caused by illegal actions of officials and
article 127 of the current legislation on compensation for damage caused
by illegal actions of state authorities - The administration of self
government of Rietavas represented by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative Director Vitautas Diciunas
-, as
well as officials of self government of Rietavas subordinate to them to
maked must compensate me for the damage and to compensate work to
identify, describe and submit to the appropriate authorities documented
acts of their illegal actions.
According to the foregoing and had the case been dealt with earlier, am would have limited myself to the following the claims:
Unpaid self goverment of Rietavas financial obligations - 21693 Euros
61 cents ( twenty one thousand sixteen ninety three euros sixty one
cents ).
To them should be added, as in my cases, 21%, which
corresponds to 4,338 Euros 72 cents ( four thousand three hundred and
thirty eight euros seventy two cents ). Accordingly in total 26 032
Euros 33 cents ( twenty six thousand thirty three euros thirty three
cents ).
2. Pretens to Grazina Ozalaite ( Korenevskiene ) and her
cohabitant Algerdas Ignasas regarding the initial investment in the
hairdressing business that they was appropriated from me - 1030 Euros 67
cents ( one thousand thirty euros sixty seven cents ) and as in the
first case with 20% total 1236 Euros 80 cents ( one thousand two hundred
thirty six euros eighty cents )
Further I would like to draw
your attention to the fact that all participants in illegal legal,
moral, material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of
misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and
income by criminal methods from 2008, and also previously did received
monetary rewards in the form of wages from self goverment of Rietavas,
they were compensated for all the costs of illegal activities from self
goverment of Rietavas and they used resources, office and other
equipment from self government of Rietavas in the course of their
illegal activities.
All participants in illegal legal, moral,
material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of
misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and
income by criminal methods or their closed associates as a bonus for
participating in knowingly criminal activities according to the staffing
of the self goverment of Rietavas had additional income for declared
but ignored official duties, which, according to the documentation of
the self goverment of Rietavas, in the process of exploiting unskilled
labor, were performed by people from socially unprotected or vulnerable
strata of the residents of self government of Rietavas for some
prolongation of receiving subsidies for poverty.
I believe that there
are no socially useful actions in the exploitation of public interests
and the redistribution of funds for the purpose of personal well-being
from approval, support, loyalty of the deliberately criminal activity of
the self goverment of Rietavas in the faces of mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- -
no! This limits the development of the region an opportunity for the
residents of the self government of Rietavas as blocking their
abilities, self-development, self-realization, prospects. Moreover, the
consequences of such actions for the development of economic and social
relations are negative, and this discredits the public institutions of
both The Republic of Lithuania and The European Union. On based this
therefore, am believe that persons involved in the illegal activities of
the administration of self government of Rietavas are obliged to
compensate me for the time spent, expenses, amortization of funds on the
detection, evidence base and investigation of the criminal activities
of the administration of self government of Rietavas. for the period
from 2008 to 2019 for deliberately burdening the conditions of life,
work, survival by the administration of self government of Rietavas,
such as slander, decisions, actions with a coefficient of 2.4, this is
253 440.00 ( two hundred and fifty three thousand four hundred and forty
euros 00 cents ).
All person participants in illegal legal, moral,
material, financial, physical persecution for the purpose of
misappropriation and extortion of material, financial resources and
income by criminal methods and their associates for the period from 2008
to 2019 must compensate me 280,709 euros 13 cents ( two hundred eighty
thousand seven hundred nine euros thirteen cents ).
Due to the fact
that despite my repeated appeals to the Lithuanian justice, the
activities of an organized criminal group created on the basis of self
goverment of Rietavas by mayer Antanas Cerneckis - and administrative director Vitautas Diciunas
- with
different amplitudes, aggressiveness, periodicity is manifested to
today, and I am for the crimes committed on behalf of the
administration of self government of Rietavas, there were no apologies
to my address, no one caused to me compensated for the damage
unmateriale and material, senselessly spent life time and to today
(December 2022) and taking into account the time, effort, and finances
spent on preparing a reasoned complaint about the operational
activities of the administration of self government of Rietavas to the
responsible institutions of the European Union, I had to reconsider the
composition of my charges and the amount of the claim against the
administration of self government of Rietavas at the time of December
2022 amounted - 20,000,000 Euro (twenty million euros).
I ask for my
claims from being carried with understanding since because of the
illegal actions of the Lithuanian justice as inaction, justification,
legitimization of the criminal activities of the administration of self
government of Rietavas as persecution, raider seizures, extortion and
other, I to lost the lot of material and financial resources, income
and the most important life time (2004/2022) that he must somehow
compensate in order to have time to self-realize his abilities,
upbringing, education. From the claim funds, am to would like to improve
my living conditions to an acceptable level, as well as to realize my
abilities, upbringing, education in the field of creating independed a
regional infrastructure for alternative energy.
Am need this money in the general interest !
Episode 1 - 1LegalAidFirstPartDocumentation -
August 08, 2021
1-1LaborContractTermomontaz - -
1-3ObligationLeaveLithuania -
1-4BirthCertificateErnestas -
1-5ResidentsPetition -
1-6Judgment2008birzalio06 -
1-7Deportation2008birzalio27 -
1-8Divorce -
1-9DecisionChildren -
1-10PlaceResidence -
1-11GrazinaHasNoComplaints -
1-12Bequest -
1-13GrazinaLetter -
1-14IncomeStatement2012 -
1-15IncomeStatement2018 -
1-16TripleTreatyGrazina -
1-17HairDressing -
1-18KinderGarten -
1-19CostOfHairdressing -
1-20CircumstantialEvidences -
1-21GrazinaLaborContractHairDressing -
1-22QuestionToAdvocatePiekienei -
1-23ClaimGrazina -
1-24ConclusionsMielene -
Episode 2 - 2LegalAidSecondPartDocumentation -
August 11, 2021
2-1ReferenceMedikalRecord -
2-2IncomeStatement -
2-3LanguageExam -
2-4BusinessInterruption -
2-5EducationalStandAloneContract -
2-6ClaimGrazina -
2-7RietavoChildProtectionServiceFindings -
2-8DecisionTemporaryChangeResidenceChildren -
2-9AppealDecision -
2-10GrazinosReplyToComplain -
2-11ZibuteReplyToComplain -
2-12NewspaperZiniosStormingHouse -
2-13TerminationHouseStormingCase -
2-14LESTO_DebtClaims -
2-15BailiffGelvora -
2-16NotaryOffice -
2-17Kredit24 -
2-18TemporaryDates1 -
2-19TemporaryDates2 -
2-20RequestRegulationDating -
2-21ErnesMedicalRecord -
2-22ZubuteAboutCommunicationWithChildrens -
2-23DecisionAboutPlaceResidence -
2-24ChildBeatingIndictmentEdute -
2-25HairdresserDiplouma -
2-26LaborContractKemperuServisas -
2-27Alimony -
2-29QualificationCertificate -
2-30ArrestFinances -
2-31DriversLicense -
2-32BeatingEduteProcedure -
2-33Palska -
2-34ZibuteExtortionIllegalIncome -
2-35BeatimgTerminationCommunication -
2-36IncomeStatement2015 -
2-37PaternityResearch -
2-38BeatingDeprivationPaternity -
2-39MedicalCertificate -
2-40HairdressingSalon -
Episode 3 - 3LegalAidThirdPartDocumentation -
August 12, 2021
3-1BreakingCommunicationChildren -
3-2CertificatePhysicalAbility -
3-3LeaseAgreementPremisesHairdresser -
3-4InterruptionValidityHygienicPassport -
3-5SelfEmploymentStatement -
3-6SubsidiesEntrepreneurshipRietavas -
3-7TerminationLease -
3-8RequestToLaborOffice -
3-9UnspecifiedDeprivationParentage -
3-10BiciclePenalty -
3-11Vlantana -
3-12JudgmentCriminalCaseAboutEdute -
3-13ReplacementRestrictionLiberty -
3-14DecisionAboutAlimony -
3-15IncomeStatement2021 -
4 Latter to Legal Aid - to Legal Aid make of Lithuania, Klaipeda representative office /Viltes g. 10, 92231/ in 2021-06-22 prasyma - .
' August 12, 2021
Mokyklos 2, Labardziu km., Rietavo sav.
+370 60892925
in 2021-06-30 (8.31Mr)TPS-3091
koordinavimo ir parinkimo skyriaus vedeju
pavaduojantis Klaipedos skyriaus vedeja
Irmantui Skauranskis,
Valstibes Garantuojamosteisines Pagalbos Tarnibai,
Klaipedos Skyrius, Viltes g. 10, Klaipeda, 92231
Dear Mr. Irmantas Skauranskas,
Am have read your Letter 2021-07-29 (8.3Mr)TPS-3492 ans am sending materials by e-mail with the description –, for your safety, materials are posted on the official open resources of the google platform.
1. This Letter -
2. in ‘1LegalAidFirstPart’ -
2.1 '1LegalAidFirstPartVideo' – free from video with explanations justifying claims against The Administration of Rietavo Municipality -
2.2 '1LegalAidFirstPartDocumentation' – documents confirming events and substantiating the claim -
3. in ‘2LegalAidSecondPart’ -
3.1 '2LegalAidSecondPartVideo' - free from video with explanations justifying claims against The Administration of Rietavo Municipality -
3.2 '2LegalAidSecondPartDocumentation' - documents confirming events and substatiang the claim -
4. in ‘3LegalAidThirdPart’ -
4.1 '3LegalAidThirdPartVideo' - free from video with explanations justifying claims against The Administration of Rietavo Municipality -
4.2 '3LegalAidThirdPartDocumentation' - documents confirming events and substantiating the claim -
Yours truly Konstantin Korenevskij
5.1 AdditionalDocuments-11IncomeStatement2011 -
5.2 AdditionalDokuments - CertificateAbsenceRussianCivilAffiliation -
5.3 AdditionalDocuments-PassRu -
Publications in official publications:
1. Rietavo Zeme, 2008 August 22, Nr. 63, Straipsnis Laikrostija "Susivaidije tevai vaikus perka ir parduoda..." arba "Visi pries viena, vienas pries visus" -
2. Rietavo Zeme, 2014 June 10, Nr. 45, Pasalpa, Antra Dalis "Kirpykla", 2014.05.04, iki puolima ligi menuo... - Laikrastis, Vaikus is tevo teko atimti jega -
3. Zemaitis, 2014 June 10, Nr. 45, Pasalpa, Antra Dalis "Kirpykla", 2014.05.04, iki puolima ligi menuo... - Laikrastis, Vaikus ugniagesiai vadavo diskiniu pjuklu -
4. Zemaitis, 2014 June 20, Nr. 48, Pasalpa, Antra Dalis "Kirpykla", 2014.05.04, iki puolima ligi menuo... - Zemaitis, Po mazameciu isvadavimo operacijos labardiskio siekis susigrazinti vaikus -
5. Zemaitis, 2006 March 31, Seima iskaudino valdeninkai - Zemaitis 2006 m. kovo 31 d. -
Wich Respekt
Konstantin Korenevskij
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