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Barselona, Work

  Nombre: Christian Apellido/s: Constantine Fecha de nacimiento: 1965.04.15 Localidad: San Antonio, Texas Telefono: Mail: Carnet de conducir: Si T ipo de permiso: Am, B1, B Formacion y Estudios Titulacion: Higher education - Bachelor's degree Cento de estudio: 1981 befor 1986, San Francisko Univers, USA - Economic & Law Titulacion: Higher education - Bachelor's degree Cento de estudio: 1986 befor 1992, Moscow University of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Engineers, Russia - I nginer Photogrammetrist Titulacion: H airdresser of Ful Profiles / women's, men's and children's hairdresser Cento de estudio: 2014 befor 2015, Givenimo Veidrodis, Klaipeda, Lithuania Experiencia Laboral Empresa: NC&CO International, USA; Duracion del puesto: officialy from 1992 befor 2004; Puesto / Funcios: criminal intelegention deportament USA branch on ex soviet spaste. Empresa: K.Korenevskio individualy imone, Labardzhiu villa
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Barselona... first ivterviev wich social wolker...

I Now day I have big problems with Lithuania, including legal ones - persecution, taking of my property, raider takeovers and other criminal activities on the part of Lithuanian officials and officials. from what I have investigated, and have irrefutable documentary evidence... it all started small: And further this has turned into serious conflicts and problems with public and official persons of Lithuania, incompatible with further living in this state:

Into CCAS Sete, about into meeting/interviu of 30 July 15 h

  Dear SSAC I am registered for help with CCAS and want to know how things are going for me.   I have an appointment for July 30th... but am don't understand anything.  I have problems with Lithuania, including legal ones - persecution, taking of my property, raider takeovers and other criminal activities on the part of Lithuanian officials and officials.  details of conflicts with Lithuanian public and official perzons: https://korenevskiylt. notification-of-crimes.html?m= 1 https://korenevskiylt. html?m=1 https://korenevskiylt. notification-of-crimes.html?m= 1 Addendums -  https://korenevskiylt. addendums.html?m=1 and lot others as exemle: https://korenevskiylt. lietuva-i-graba-vaikucius. html?m=1 https://korenevskiylt. lietuva-antra-dalis.html?m=1 https://korenevskiylt.

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from France, migration depertament - Arrete 05 Mars 2024

   Direction des Migrationset et de I'Integration BAII - Pole Regional Dublin ARRETE portant renouvellement d'una assignation a residence a l'encontre d'un ressortissant etranger La prefete de la Zone de Defense et de Securite Est, prefete de la region Grand Est, prefete du Bas-Rhin  VU le code de l'entree et du sejour des etrangers et du droit d'asile (CESEDA) et notamment ses articles L.571-1, L.572-1 a L.573-1, L.751-2 et sulvants;  VU l'arrete portant transfert aux autorites lituaniennes responsables de l'examen de sa demande d'asile le concernant , date du 29 novembre 2023 et notifie le 19 decembre 2023;  VU l'arrete d'assignation a residence pris a son encontre le 29 novembre 2023 et notifie le 19 decembre 2023, renouvele par un arrete edicte le 26 janvier 2024 et notifie le 31 janvier 2024;  CONSIDERANT que M. Konstantin KORENEVSKIJ, ne le &( avril 1965 a Nan Krasnoyarskijkraijgahar, apatribe, a lait l'objet d'un arrete por